In your card, you can log any kind of structured information. The most obvious application of this feature is time tracking.

Add logs to cards

In the comment section you can log something to card.

log something to cards

By default you have accès to 2 types of log, Time and Expanse.

Once selected one, you can fill the displayed fields. You can also change the date of the log (it is important to log datas like hours worked with the right date).

log time

After you saved it, it appears like this in your activities.

logged time in activity tab

Finally the log tab will give you a quick summary of the existing logs by members.

logs tab

Note that it only shows you a sum of the number fields of your types of logs. For instance, for Time, only total hours are displayed and not the Description fields

If you want to delete a log go to the Activity tab of your card and press the bin button. You can only remove your own logs.

logged time in activity tab

Add new type of log

In the log creator of a card, you can add a new category of log.

Add new category of log

Provide a name and press enter. After this operation you can add new fields to you log.

The available fields are a subset of the card field types. You will have email, link, location, number, phone, skype username, text field, time, yes/no value.

type of log fields

Edit a type of log

In a card, select a log type and add/edit/remove fields in your log.

edit log field

Remove a type of log

Use the bin icon next to their name in the dropdown selector.

delete log type

You can’t rename a type of log, you will have to recreate it.

Logs overview

Log view gives you an overview of all the logs attached to cards, with possibility to filter by types of log and period.

Logs view

You can export this logs overview as CSV.