The Timeline is a project mode that lets you display and organize cards and groups on a timeline.
It is perfect for projects with deadlines or roadmaps.
For instance:
- organizing an event,
- launching a product,
- handling marketing campaigns,
- managing OKRs and strategic planning.
Select the date field you want to use. You can view the following types of fields:
- Date
- Look up of a date value (display the date of a date on the card of
another workspace) - Formula: only a date format so the result of a function as_date() or as_daterange() e x: as_daterange({created at};{due date:end})
- Select the
group by
and thefilter
The default display mode shows you each card in their group in a side bar on the left side (even those that have no set dates) You can choose to fold the side bar and in this case the cards are positioned in the timeline from their start and end date. The display will automatically use as few lines as possible to display the cards. This compact mode is very useful if you want to know how many cards in this group are programmed at the same time.
- Select the date range you want to see in your windows, you can select it as large as possible. The timeline grid is displaying smartly based on the selected dates range.
- Download you timeline as an image or get the iCalendar feed
- Cards are grouped by the selected
group by
. - Click on a card (in the sidebar or in the timeline) to open it. Right click to open its context menu. Click on the small arrow (appearing on hover) to center the timeline around it.
- Drag the card on the timeline to change its daterange. Drag its left or right end to shorten or widen the range. If you shorten the card until it disapears, it will remove the daterange.
- To set a daterange on a card without one, click and drag (side bar mode)
Display sub-cards
On a card, you can click on the number of sub-cards to display/hide them.
If the date range of the sub-cards exceed the one of the parent card, a green bar will represent the complete period covered by these dates.
If you hide the sub-cards, this bar remains visible so that you will notice the sub-cards total date range.
This total date range is used in compact mode, instead of the card date.
Here are few other things worth knowing about timelines:
- You can’t reorder cards in groups by drag and drop.
- sub-cards are always ordered by their references.
- Cards that don’t have access to the current active date field are hidden. However, they are counted in the cards number displayed at the top of each group.
- Card mirrors are displayed only if their target have access to the current active date field.
- In compact mode sub cards of a card with no date, is still visible (as a fake card).
- The Gantt view is a new view available on workspaces (coming for Portfolio space)
- Timeline view still available
- Available for Business and Enterprise offers
To enable the Gantt view, the server administrator must go to the org settings, section Admin/ Feature flags and add gantt (do not capitalize) to the list.
Attention: press “enter” and then click on save, to validate the addition.
You should then see the new Gantt view in the “Add a view” menu on workspaces.
- If a date field exists in your workspace, it is displayed by default.
- From the Appearance menu, you can choose the date field to display and change its color by clicking on the pencil icon that appears when you hover over the field in the menu list.
- The titles of the cards and their date are displayed when you hover over the rectangle
- You can move the cards by dragging and dropping them
- You can move the cards by dragging and dropping them
- From the Appearance menu, you can add milestones based on different date fields.
- You can add a milestone via a Date field in a card or in a card dedicated to a milestone.
- The “Milestones” section appears in Appearance when at least two date fields exist in the workspace.
- In the Milestones section, click on the “+” and validate.
- You can display Milestones based on different fields
- The milestone is represented by a diamond.
- To create a dependency between cards, add on your card a field “Relation of cards”
- The dependency is created from the card and its field or directly from the Gantt view.
- This dependency is represented by a line connecting the cards. You can create it from the card or from this view by stretching the line from the point to another point on the card.
- When we create a dependency from card A to card B, the value comes to register in card B (B depends on A)
- To remove the dependency, select the trait and right click then “delete
For the dependent cards to move together, you must activate the option in the field Card relationship “Update date attributes in linked cards”
Display the critical path by going to Appearance “Display critical path”. The cards impacting on the good performance of the delay are displayed in red.
- space + drag (ou shift + wheel) : to move the page horizontally
- ctrl + wheel : to zoom/zoom out
Time actions
- ctrl + click on empty line to create a new time slot for a card
- shift + click: to select multiple cards
- ctrl + click on a period: select/deselect a period