How to combine organization and productivity ?

It is not necessary to recall that with the hybridization of work, companies have had to adapt and find a new organization within their departments in order to maintain good productivity of their teams. Issues of knowledge sharing, project management and more generally work then become essential.
Think about how you work to create a tailor-made tool
Until recently, the decisions made about the organization of work marked a clear divide between what the top management thought was suitable for a good way of working and what the executing teams really needed. The teams were then asked to adapt to the tools already present on the market, which ultimately offered relatively little flexibility.
Today, technological progress is leading companies to rethink their way of working, in particular by putting people back at the center of decisions, which leads to the economic performance of the company:
- collaboration and commitment of valued employees,
- participating management,
- autonomy and self-regulation,
- circulation of information to increase synergies between employees.
These new trends that place people at the heart of strategies need to move towards more flexibility and versatility to maintain a certain level of productivity.
A bottom-up decision
What is a bottom-up decision ? With all types of management that are appearing in our daily lives, we can quickly be lost, yet the bottom-up approach is very easy to understand, it is a so-called horizontal approach that favors participation and collaboration.
This approach allows operational teams to make the right decisions because they are in the best position to know what is good or not on the ground, thus, they send the information back to the hierarchical layers of the company.
It is exactly in this spirit that the Kantree solution was designed. Indeed, it is by working within the different branches of a company that you realize that each has a different way of working. And the best for the teams is therefore to build their own collaborative tool rather than having a specific tool imposed on them by their superiors who are often unaware of the difficulties experienced on a daily basis.
The most telling image to describe the Kantree solution is a box of Lego®. Inside Kantree there are a multitude of bricks with which you can do anything by assembling them to each other. Each brick has a different functionality that allows you to do things that are specific to it. Since each department (Communication, HR, DSI, Finance, Marketing, etc.) does not need the same functionalities in the same place, this is what makes Kantree very flexible since each team builds its own workspace according to what it needs. It’s up to you to build the tool that suits you and meets the needs of your team by creating your own automations.
The challenges of a good work organization
A good work organization is based on good communication as well as good collaboration, Kantree makes it possible to meet several challenges:
- division, coordination and control of work,
- visibility and monitoring of the work of each team,
- collaboration between employees, within a department or even between several departments,
- encouraging autonomy and responsibility,
- encouraging reflection and innovation,
- team productivity,
- an evolving organization.
These are the secrets of a true participatory organization that quickly gains in productivity thanks to a tool that really meets it needs and by avoiding tasks without added value thanks to the automations offered by the solution.